3 Windows to Customer Insights

In the fast-paced world of service businesses, every moment matters. You're managing countless tasks, and there's hardly any time to delve into lengthy customer feedback or complex reports.

Tailored for your business, we've developed three distinct views to provide an at-a-glance perspective and simplify feedback analysis.


1. Heat Map


Discover patterns in feedback across days and identify recurring problems or spot one-time events that significantly impacted customer opinions, helping you make informed decisions for your business improvements.

    • Pro tip: See a particular day glowing red? Click on it to reveal that day's specific feedback.
    • Pro tip: Similar to the other two views, you can click on the Product, Service, Value, and Facility filters to view the heatmap specific to those categories.


2. Line Graph

Easily identify changes in customer opinions over time regarding Product, Service, Value, and Facility. This clear overview assists in pinpointing successful areas and those requiring improvement.

    • Pro tip: See a dip in sentiment for a particular category? Click on a point in that category line to narrow down the hint list exclusively to the feedback that influenced that specific point.


3. Word Cloud

That's right! We're bringing back the word cloud. Discover the top words in customer feedback. Frequent words appear larger. Are terms like 'Waiting', 'Cold', or 'Pleasant' prominent? Click a word to view all related feedback from the month.

    • Pro tip: Ambiguous words, such as 'cold', can have multiple meanings. Use the four category buttons to filter the cloud by category, helping you quickly discern whether it refers to cold food or a chilly dining area.


Streamline Your Point-of-View 

And the best part? In less than 2 minutes, you can claim your business and start receiving customer feedback today and embrace the power of simplicity and insight.